CHIEFTEC Y2024 product catalog and sales manual update

მთავარი სიახლეები CHIEFTEC Y2024 product catalog and sales manual update

We offer an updated CHIEFTEC 2024 sales manual and product catalog to simplify the selection of necessary PC components.

The manual is completely MODULAR, allowing to choose the specific slides and group them according to different sales tools, such as:

  • Types of power supplies and their purposes;
  • New ATX 3.0 standard and PCIe GEN 5.0 12VHPWR support;
  • Brief product overview;
  • Key features;
  • Research and development department;
  • Quality control procedure.

To download the updated versions of the files, use the following links:

Product catalogue Chieftec_2024


Please use them and share with colleagues. All information is available.
