
Danfoss is a world leader in the production of energy-efficient equipment for heating and cooling systems, drive automation, hydraulic equipment, etc. იხილეთ მეტი


Danfoss is a world leader in supplying technologies for industrial refrigeration and air conditioning, residential, commercial and district heating. The company develops solutions that help reduce environmental impact, improve comfort in homes, offices and apartments, and create a reliable heating infrastructure that uses renewable energy sources. Danfoss is a leading player and pioneer in the market of mobile hydraulics, drive and industrial automation.

წერილის მიწერა
აუცილებლად შესავსები ველი
ღილაკის დაჭერით , თქვენ ეთანხმებით პერსონალური მონაცემების დამუშავებას.
დახმარება Danfoss