
სიახლეები და მიმოხილვები
01.10 - 31.03
In today’s world, cloud technologies play a key role in business development and ensuring its competitiveness. Azure offers a wide range of versatile solutions that are perfect for both new and existing customers. With lower costs and the ability to quickly migrate to the cloud, companies can access innovative technologies while saving costs.
Varmilo is a brand recognized for its dedication to quality, unique design, and the creation of mechanical keyboards that meet the needs of the most demanding users. From gamers to developers, from composers to writers, everyone will...
With the onset of cold weather, the issue of heating the home becomes especially relevant. ARDESTO offers a range of convector heaters that ensure warmth and comfort in every corner of the home. Forget cold winter evenings — ARDESTO...
In today’s world, cyber threats are increasingly widespread, and to counter them, you need effective tools to protect and recover your data. We invite you to join this webinar to improve your cyber readiness and learn ways to strengthen...
Can you imagine childhood without soap bubbles? The answer is probably "No"! And although the life of soap bubbles is short, they manage to improve the mood of both children and adults alike.
Ready to take your gaming to the next level? ASUS has powerful graphics cards that will change the way you think about performance and graphics. In the world of computer gaming, every second counts and every frame matters. ASUS graphics...
Discover a wide range of functional ARDESTO irons with an updated design to suit your needs and preferences.
Commvault, a leading provider of cyber resilience and data protection solutions for hybrid cloud environments, is recognized as a leader with the highest score in the current offering category in The Forrester Wave: Data Resilience...
Do you want to drive off-road or rush to adventure? To transport goods or to extinguish fires? And what if two in one!? The Flip Cars 2-in-1 transforming car is a toy that will never tire of a child. Bright and compact, you can play...
We offer a range of Zalman power supplies for PCs that provide an optimal balance of quality, functionality, and price.
Looking for a styler to create a stylish hairstyle and gentle hair care? ARDESTO hair dryers combine cutting-edge technology, exceptional quality and elegant design, sure to impress even the most discerning users. ARDESTO continues...
Commvault, a leading provider of cyber resilience and data protection solutions, has been positioned by Gartner as a Leader in the 2024 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Backup and Recovery Software Solutions. Commvault’s evaluation was...
Every child is a little creator, ready to conquer the world with their ideas. Make It Real knows how to turn a passion into a fantastic journey through the world of creativity. Make It Real products help children discover their talents,...
თანამშრომლობის დაწყება
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გთხოვთ, შეავსოთ მოკლე კითხვარი

ERC-ს შესახებ

ERC წარმატებული
გაყიდვების არხების განვითარების ხელშეწყობა, წინასწარი თუ შემდგომი და ზოგადად გაყიდვების სრული ციკლის მხარდაჭერა, უზრუნველყოფა.
დისტრიბუტორი საერთაშორისო
გაყიდვების ხაზით და ოფისებით
საერთაშორისო გუნდები ადგილობრივი ოფისებიდან თანამშრომლობენ, დიდი საერთაშორისო ჰოლდინგის ERC-ის ყველა დეპარტამენტთან და განყოფილებასთან. ბევრი საინტერესო ენობრივი და კულტურული განსხვავებაა, უნიკალური ადგილობრივი ისტორიებით, ტრადიციებით და რელიგიების ნაზავით, რომელსაც ჩვენ ვიზიარებთ, ყველა ადგილობრივი გუნდი დამუხტულია ერთი ERC-ის სულით, რომელიც საშუალებას აძლევს მათ იყვნენ ერთი გლობალური გუნდი.
ზრდის და ავითარებს ახალგაზრდა სპეციალისტებს
ახალი სამუშაო ადგილების შექმნა და ახალგაზრდა სპეციალისტების მოზიდვა პროფესიული უნარების გასაუმჯობესებლად
ERC თანამშრომობს და ზრუნავს მათთან გრძელვადიანი ურთიერთობების ჩამოყალიბებაზე როგორც ცნობილ, მსოფლიოს წამყვან ბრენდებთან, ისე დამწყებ, განვითარებად კომპანიებთანაც.

ERC (Enhanced Resource Company) is an international-level distribution holding. It is registered in Vienna, Austria and has its trading activities supported by vendors contracts. Most of the brands are world leaders in their sectors in many countries. The holding offices and ERC distribution companies are located in some of these countries.

The holding has a history of more than 30 years of work. The focus on the internal and external standards and traditions of the company does not exclude creation and promotion of innovation from the earliest years of work. This strategy ensures confident trend of business growth and its efficiency in distribution. Distribution has four main product lines of cooperation with business partners: consumer computer equipment, computer equipment and software separately or as part of enterprise-wide solutions, household appliances, goods for children and teenagers. ERC offers products, ideas and solutions for both commercial corporations or state enterprises, as well as for individual consumers or households.

The classic two-level system of product distribution and value-added services (VAD model) is combined with “no-price-wars” sales tactics. ERC conducts its business through business partners, which comprise both national and regional retail networks, owners of independent stores and projects, wholesale companies, online shops, system integrators and companies focused on special technological niches and segments. ERC has its own time-proved effective methods of development and sales channel support, collaboration with business partners, additional pre- and after-sales services, including consulting, warranty service, training and exchange of experience.


ERC work with the partners is based on offering services strengthened by the proposal of recommended set of quality products from suppliers and manufacturers all over the world that are constantly available in Kyiv warehouse. Business partners have their own ERC specialist-curator, individual financial and logistics conditions, as well as special promotional programs, consulting, informational, logistic, marketing, promotional and technical support, training of sales personnel, technical specialists, engineers and other staff.

ERC promotes advanced technologies and cares about long-term partnership with leading global manufacturers together with newborn startups. The list of vendors with which ERC has signed official distribution contracts (some of them are exclusive) can be viewed here.


