TUCANO: ელეგანტური ზურგჩანთები და ჩანთები მილანიდან!

მთავარი სიახლეები TUCANO: ელეგანტური ზურგჩანთები და ჩანთები მილანიდან!

TUCANO (დაარსდა მილანში 1985 წელს) არის პორტატული ელექტრონული მოწყობილობების აქსესუარების ერთ-ერთი წამყვანი მწარმოებელი მსოფლიოში.

ლეპტოპის ჩანთები, ზურგჩანთები, ბარგის ჩანთები, ქეისები, მაუსის ბალიშები, კამერის ჩანთები და სხვადასხვა აქსესუარები Apple MacBook-ისა და PC-სთვის შექმნილია Tucano-ს მიერ, რათა დააკმაყოფილოს მომხმარებლის ყველა საჭიროება.

დამზადებულია იტალიური დიზაინის საუკეთესო ტრადიციებით, Tucano აქსესუარები წარმოადგენს საუკეთესო გადაწყვეტილებებს პრაქტიკულობას, ერგონომიკას, პორტატული აღჭურვილობის მაქსიმალურ დაცვას და თანამედროვე დიზაინს შორის. იქნება მომთხოვნი ბიზნესმენი, ახალგაზრდა პროფესიონალი, სტუდენტი თუ შემოქმედებითი ადამიანი, Tucano-ს ყოველთვის აქვს შესაბამისი აქსესუარი, რის გამოც Tucano-ს პროდუქცია დიდი მოთხოვნაა წამყვან ევროპულ და საერთაშორისო ბაზრებზე.


 Tucano-ს პროდუქციას აქვს გარანტია 12-დან 24 თვემდე.


ამჟამად TUCANO-ს პროდუქცია უკვე ხელმისაწვდომია ERC-ის საწყობში!

პროდუქტები პუბლიკაციიდან
პროდუქტები პუბლიკაციიდან
კოდი: BFC1314
45 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BSM15-B
86 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BSM1314-BK
77 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BFM1516-Z
69 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BFC1516-R
60 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BKFRBU15-B
90 ლარი*
Roomy, lightweight backpack made with hi-tech material and eco-leather accents; perfect for 15.6” laptops and 15” MacBooks. The roomy interior compartment also features a special pocket to protect your laptop or tablet. On the front there’s a large, flat, external pocket for accessories with a zip closure. The back side, featuring an ergonomic back panel and adjustable, padded shoulder straps, also has a handy trolley strap.
კოდი: BFRBUB14-B
63 ლარი*
Compact, lightweight bag, perfect for 14" laptops and 15” MacBooks, made with hi-tech material and ecoleather accents. The padded internal pocket is equipped with a Velcro strap to secure your laptop. There is an accessories pocket on the front. The back of the bag features a trolley strap. There is also a non-removable, adjustable shoulder strap.
კოდი: BKLOOP15-Z
83 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BSLOOP15-Z
49 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BSM15-BK
82 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BSM1314-R
79 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BSLOOP13-Z
39 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BKTER15-CAM-B
166 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
71 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
71 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BKTED1314-BK
149 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BKTED1314-BS
149 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BKTED1314-CR
149 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BKTED1314-VM
149 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BFC1314-B
55 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BKTED1314-Y
149 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BKFRBU15-BK
106 ლარი*
Roomy, lightweight backpack made with hi-tech material and eco-leather accents; perfect for 15.6” laptops and 15” MacBooks. The roomy interior compartment also features a special pocket to protect your laptop or tablet. On the front there’s a large, flat, external pocket for accessories with a zip closure. The back side, featuring an ergonomic back panel and adjustable, padded shoulder straps, also has a handy trolley strap.
კოდი: BKSM13-BK
69 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.
კოდი: BFRBUB15-BK
91 ლარი*
Type: bag; Max size: 16"; Material: polyester;
კოდი: BFM1314-PP
49 ლარი*
Made in the best traditions of Italian design, Tucano accessories represent the best solutions between practicality, ergonomics, maximum protection of portable equipment and modern design. Whether a demanding businessman, a young professional, a student or a creative person, Tucano always has the right accessory, which is why Tucano products are in high demand in the leading European and international markets.