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DRIVEN Машинка MICRO Бульдозер

კოდი: WH1012Z
-უკან დაბრუნება
DRIVEN by Battat’s toy bulldozer is the perfect toy truck for kids to clear out the clutter from the playroom and get the job done! This fully loaded toy construction vehicle features a pivoting front rake and rear shovel to easily move toy cars and action figures. Hit the button and the truck makes a realistic engine sound that will really get the imagination going. And, a continuous track wheel system gives this toy an extra authentic appearance. Don’t forget your hard hat! DRIVEN by Battat’s Micro Bulldozer is recommended for little crew members 4 years old and up. Remember, stay DRIVEN, because the crew depends on you!
* საშუალო ფასი ბაზარზე
ლინკის დამატება DRIVEN Машинка MICRO Бульдозер:
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აუცილებელად შესავსები ველები მონიშნულია ვარსკვლავით.
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