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DRIVEN Car model MICRO Logging truck

კოდი: WH1013Z
-უკან დაბრუნება
Start your engine and get ready to deliver the logs to port with DRIVEN by Battat’s Micro toy Logging Truck! Built with incredible accuracy and attention to detail, this toy truck features multiple moving parts, a working crane arm, and 7 little toy logs! Stack the logs or other small toys in the truck bed using the extendable crane arm claw. Then, fold up the gates to secure your payload. Press down on the hood and flash the headlights and listen to the engine idle. Don’t forget to check your engine by raising the hood! Recommended for little loggers aged 3 and up. Remember, stay DRIVEN, because the crew depends on you!
* საშუალო ფასი ბაზარზე
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