მთავარი - Toys & Goods for Kids - Toys - Construction sets - LEGO - Harry Hogwarts Magical Trunk

LEGO Harry Hogwarts Magical Trunk

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ტექნიკური პარამეტრები LEGO Harry Hogwarts Magical Trunk:
მთავარი მახასიათებლები
მთავარი მახასიათებლების სრული სია
Type construction set
Game Type construction
Age group 8 years and up
Gender for girls
for boys
Series of construction set LEGO Harry Potter
Type construction set
Game Type construction
Age group 8 years and up
Gender for girls
for boys
Series of construction set LEGO Harry Potter
No. of parts 603 pcs
შეფუთვის პარამეტრები
სიგანე 380 მილიმეტრი
სიმაღლე 50 მილიმეტრი
სიგრძე 260 მილიმეტრი
წონა 0.76 კგ
მოცულობა 0.0049 მ3
გარანტია 14 თვე
Personalized and portable, the LEGO® Harry Potter™ Hogwarts™ Magical Trunk (76399) for ages 8+ is bursting with a magical mix of customizable places and people from the Harry Potter movies.
Put Hogwarts fun into kids’ hands

Just like the iconic Hogwarts students’ trunks, kids can add different Hogwarts House colours and fun stickers to make this LEGO brick version their own. Among the contents is a large selection of minifigure parts – including a range of hair and diverse skin tones – so kids can build up to 5 characters from the Harry Potter movies and design new Hogwarts students of their own. A wide assortment of customizable furniture and accessories from the movies give kids ideas and inspiration to bring their imaginative Hogwarts adventures to life. There are also 3 classic movie stories to play out: the Sorting Ceremony; a Great Hall feast; and the Common Room. When the action’s over, everything packs away neatly in the trunk so kids can take the Hogwarts magic wherever they go.
