80PLUS Gold quarantees 88%, 90%, 87% efficiency with 20%, 50% and 100% load rates, significantly reducing overall system power consumption. The higher efficiency of the PSU means that there is less leakage of current, which means less heat, high frequency noises, and fan noise.
Zalman's Technology
Integrated advanced design method to reduce voltage fluctuation to within 3% to ensure a stable power supply.
Full modular PSU
Full modular design minimizes resistance and voltage drop on the cables and lowers impedance to further enchance energy efficiency, connecting only the cables your system needs to allow for smooth airflow to cool the system.
Guaranteed Maximum Efficiency of 92%
Up to 92% energy conversion efficiency reduces power leakage and maintenance costs. Providing energy saving and a stable system operation environment for your system.
High Quality, Perfomance Parts used to be durable and reliable
It supplies smooth power to the PC while reducing unnecessary power consumption by using high perfomance parts that are durable and reliable.
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