მთავარი - Toys & Goods for Kids - Toys - Construction sets - LEGO - DUPLO Fire Station & Helicopter

LEGO DUPLO Fire Station & Helicopter

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ტექნიკური პარამეტრები LEGO DUPLO Fire Station & Helicopter:
მთავარი მახასიათებლები
მთავარი მახასიათებლების სრული სია
Type construction set
Game Type construction
Age group 2 years and up
Gender for girls
for boys
Series of construction set LEGO Duplo
A type transportation
пожарное депо
Type construction set
Game Type construction
Age group 2 years and up
Gender for girls
for boys
Series of construction set LEGO Duplo
A type transportation
пожарное депо
No. of parts 117 pcs
Material Plastic
შეფუთვის პარამეტრები
სიგანე 480 მილიმეტრი
სიმაღლე 110 მილიმეტრი
სიგრძე 380 მილიმეტრი
წონა 2.15 კგ
მოცულობა 0.0201 მ3
გარანტია 14 თვე
Kind: construction set; Game type: construction; Age group: 2 years and up; Gender: for girls, for boys; Series: LEGO Duplo; Type: transportation, пожарное депо; Number of parts: 117 pcs; Material: Plastic
Another busy day at the fire station
The fire-fighting team whizz down the slide, get into in the Push&Go fire truck and head off through the large swing door, with lights flashing and siren sounding (batteries included). A helicopter takes off from the roof to join the mission. When the action’s over, it’s time for fire-fighting practice,a well-deserved pizza and then bedtime – ready for another busy day tomorrow. Designed especially for preschoolers, the set is bursting with developmental play possibilities that improve fine motor skills, emotional awareness and more. It’s also a worry-free way for them to learn about fire-fighters’ work.
