2E Gaming Mouse Pad PRO Control M Black (360*275*3 mm)

-უკან დაბრუნება
ტექნიკური პარამეტრები 2E Gaming Mouse Pad PRO Control M Black (360*275*3 mm):
მთავარი მახასიათებლები
მთავარი მახასიათებლების სრული სია
Type Mousepad
Application For gaming
Подсветка Нет
Material Fabric /надміцний фактурний жакард
Rubber /нижній шар основи
Colour Black
Dimensions 360 x 275 x 3 mm
Thickness 3 mm
Type Mousepad
Working surface One-sided
Тип поверхности Control
Application For gaming
Подсветка Нет
Additionally Водонепроницаемый
Material Fabric /надміцний фактурний жакард
Rubber /нижній шар основи
Colour Black
Dimensions 360 x 275 x 3 mm
Thickness 3 mm
შეფუთვის პარამეტრები
სიგანე 80 მილიმეტრი
სიმაღლე 290 მილიმეტრი
სიგრძე 80 მილიმეტრი
წონა 0.26 კგ
მოცულობა 0.0019 მ3
გარანტია 12 თვე
If you're serious about PC gaming, you'll need a keyboard and mouse. However, it is not about it now. The other important variable in this equation is the pad. Of course, some will point out that you can get by with the old one or without it at all. However, it has been proven in practice, a good surface for a gaming mouse will improve the experience and take it to a new level.
19 ლარი*
* საშუალო ფასი ბაზარზე
The game with no misses

The revolutionary textured surface made of ultra-durable jacquard has been introduced for the CONTROL line of the updated series of 2E GAMING PRO surfaces. Does it make the pad better for the mouse? Yes, because it provides an easy solution to tasks required maximum control, alignment and clarity of every movement down to the millimeter. The cursor will be in the right place very quickly and it will be simply impossible to miss.

No hint of displacement

From the outside, the 2E GAMING PRO series of surfaces has an ordinary appearance. However, this simplicity hides quality and reliability. The pad has a textured rubber base that holds it as firmly as possible on any surface - during intense battles, it will stay in place and there will be no hint of displacement. It will contribute to the accuracy of the cursor positioning, the smoothness of the course and the ease of movements, and therefore, the satisfaction from the game, because everything is for this.
