მთავარი - Toys & Goods for Kids - Toys - Construction sets - LEGO - Constructor Classic Creative favorites

LEGO Constructor Classic Creative favorites

კოდი: 11034
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ტექნიკური პარამეტრები LEGO Constructor Classic Creative favorites:
მთავარი მახასიათებლები
მთავარი მახასიათებლების სრული სია
Type construction set
Game Type construction
Age group 5 years and up
Gender for girls
for boys
Series of construction set LEGO Classic
Type construction set
Game Type construction
Age group 5 years and up
Gender for girls
for boys
Series of construction set LEGO Classic
No. of parts 450 pcs
Development воображение
творческое мышление
concentration of attention
შეფუთვის პარამეტრები
სიგანე 260 მილიმეტრი
სიმაღლე 60 მილიმეტრი
სიგრძე 280 მილიმეტრი
წონა 0.49 კგ
მოცულობა 0.0044 მ3
გარანტია 14 თვე
Kind: construction set; Game type: construction; Age group: 5 years and up; Gender: for girls, for boys; Series: LEGO Classic; Number of parts: 450 pcs;
125 ლარი*
* საშუალო ფასი ბაზარზე
With 450 LEGO bricks, including special eye and mouth pieces, and easy step-by-step instructions, kids can create a dog with a bowl and a bone, a cat on a stand, a hamster with an apple, a rabbit with a carrot and a bird on a pole. Then, with options for alternate colors, shapes, and features, kids can recreate their pets in a fun, new way.

As their creative building skills develop, children can test their own ideas. The set also includes a guide with 10 ideas to help you dive into cognitive construction. The LEGO Classic range of toys are full of ideas and materials to inspire and allow parents to share the fun and developmental milestones with their children.
