მთავარი - Toys & Goods for Kids - Toys - Construction sets - LEGO - Constructor FRIENDS FARM ANIMAL VET CLI


-უკან დაბრუნება
ტექნიკური პარამეტრები LEGO Constructor FRIENDS FARM ANIMAL VET CLI:
მთავარი მახასიათებლები
მთავარი მახასიათებლების სრული სია
Type construction set
Game Type construction
Age group 4 years and up
Gender for girls
for boys
Series of construction set LEGO Friends
A type ветеринарная клиника
Type construction set
Game Type construction
Age group 4 years and up
Gender for girls
for boys
Series of construction set LEGO Friends
A type ветеринарная клиника
No. of parts 161 pcs
Development фантазия
творческое мышление
социальные навыки
შეფუთვის პარამეტრები
სიგანე 220 მილიმეტრი
სიმაღლე 60 მილიმეტრი
სიგრძე 260 მილიმეტრი
წონა 0.43 კგ
მოცულობა 0.0034 მ3
გარანტია 14 თვე
Kind: construction set; Game type: construction; Age group: 4 years and up; Gender: for girls, for boys; Series: LEGO Friends; Type: ветеринарная клиника; Number of parts: 161 pcs;
This toy veterinarian set is a great gift idea for children who love role-playing medical games. Children can create their own stories about friendship in which Otom helps Gabriela, the veterinarian, take care of a newborn goat. They can transport the animals on the trailer and then examine them using the table, scales, computer, and lamp. Later, they can help Otom bathe the animals and treat them to some goodies.

The LEGO Kids' Building Blocks for kids ages 4 and up have useful parts to get them started quickly - large pieces to help kids get started on their building adventure.

Give kids an easy and straightforward journey into the world of construction with the LEGO Builder app. It lets them scale and rotate models in 3D, save sets, and track their progress.
